c-site.3 : Other 他者 | Order →

Size : H245mm x W190mm x D10mm
Publishing date : 2021. 2
Contents [137p]
Print : Offset (Hand assembled and bound)
Design : ori.studio
Language : Chinese and Japanese versions (Both include English translation)
Publisher : da大 in print

尺寸 :H245mm x W190mm x D10mm
发行时间 : 2021. 2
页数 :137页
胶版印刷 + 手工装帧
设计 : ori.studio
出版社 :da大 in print

サイズ:H245mm x W190mm x D10mm
発行年: 2021. 2
仕様 :137頁
製本 :offset +  hand assembled
デザイン : ori.studio
言語 :中国语+英語/日本語+英語
出版社 :da大 in print

About c-site :

c-site (c = conversation) is based around an interdisciplinary discussion surrounding a singular topic, exploring it in physical and metaphysical terms. It has been removed from the typical interviewer/interviewee archetype. Rather, it has been formatted to take place in a sequential manner (a → b) , (b → c) … (j → a) where participant (a) will ask a question to participant (b), who after answering will ask a question to the next person down the list (c), so as to achieve a more natural and autonomous form of dialogue.

Our ultimate goal is to analyze the nature and potential of a topic by combining the perspectives of people from various backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking, thus maximizing the scope of peoples understanding and ways of thinking.

c-SITE是da大 in print中的主刊出版类别之一。以跨学科和跨领域的方式,围绕某个主题的而进行,从物质和非物质的角度对其进行深度探讨。不受到采访/被采访的单一问答形式所限制,取而代之,以有机、顺序的方式 (a → b) , (b → c) … (j → a) 来开展进行,参与到其中的讨论者 (a),向讨论者 (b) 提出问题,(b) 在作答后再向名单中的下一位对话者进行提问,以此类推,由此来实现一个更加自然且更加自主的对话形式。


c-SITEはda大 in printのメイン出版物のなかの一つである。一つの学科と分野に拘らず、あるテーマに対して物質的及び非物質的な角度から検討とリレートークを行う形で作られていく。伝統的なインタビューによく見られる質疑回答に代わり、有機的且つ (a → b) , (b → c) … (j → a) のように順番を追うような形で、即ちリレートーク参加者 (a) から (b) に質問し、(b) はそれを回答した上で次の参加者であるcに質問するような形をとることで、より自然で且つ能動的な対談となることを目指す。

About the topic :

Other -

A pupa lies dormant within its cocoon, generating a detachment between it and the external environment. From the perspective of this fragile pupa, branches full of natural fragrance, the rolling in of a dense fog, and coarse earth all belong to what can be described as ‘other’.

This tiny cocoon is recorded by dew in the form of a reflected image, and looking from the perspective of this reflection the universe itself becomes ‘other’.

This phenomenon could be generated manually by photographing the present moment, as the past and future would therefore become ‘other’. This would also be true for the gaps which lie between one single point of time to the next.

Following this line of thinking which is based on the dimension of time, the dimension of space can be regarded as ‘other’.

If we create in our own imaginations a unique space within which our consciousness can wander, all outside of this dreamt world can be referred to by using the word ‘other’, as can the the parts within the space which we don’t actively realize. The scale, distance, shape and complexity of ‘other’ is also constantly disturbed by the addition of new objects or by a change in scene and context.

Can ‘other’ exist at the same scale as a single cell? Can a subject coincide, replace, or influence ‘other’ from its own perspective? What are the differences in perspective from inside and outside in regards to ‘other’? If boundaries are blurred, how can we define what is ‘other’? Can the space (or interlaced relationship) between ‘other’ and a subject be observed? How many instances of ‘other’ can be generated through fixed-point observation? How can we distinguish ‘other’ from the white space which surrounds it? Can the original nature of things and the nature of ‘other’ be switched? Are there a variety of methods in forming ‘other’? From our own perspectives, can the phenomenon of ‘other’ be described as an illusion? Can ‘other’ in relation to time coexist with ‘other’ in relation to space?

他者 -




他者 -







© 2019, da大 in print 
